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Wollam Mission & Vision

Mission Statement

RJ Wollam is committed to providing an impactful education to build future leaders by instilling our core values of kindness, courage, collaboration, accountability and respect


RJW School Pledge: We are kind, courageous and collaborative. We will be accountable and respectful. We are Wollam Warriors!

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News & Announcements


The Santa Fe ISD Technology Department is excited to announce an e-cycling event!

We all tend to hold on to outdated phones, computers, and other devices. Kick off your spring cleaning by bringing in that electronic clutter!

For specifics on what items are accepted and what are not, please refer to the flyer.

This event will take place on March 8 from 8 AM to 12 PM at the Cowan Administration Building. A traffic flow map is attached to help guide you along the route.

Read More about SFISD Technology E-Cycle Event

Upcoming Events